Our vision is to provide accessible health education to caregivers to increase the survival of children.

paeds providing first aid training

Who are we:

The Sisterhood Project is a registered charity started by two sisters, Grace and Skye, to provide free infant and child First Aid to disadvantaged parents and carers.

Grace is a Paediatric Intensive Care nurse with 20 years experience in performing, and teaching first-aid and medical procedures.

We are both mothers, with five children between us, ranging from young babies to pre-teens.

Grace Larson is also the 2024 Victorian winner of the Agrifutures Rural Woman of the Year Award for her work with The Sisterhood Project.

We want to prevent death - Save children's lives - through education and breaking down barriers to that education.

If your child is injured or in an accident, knowing First Aid could save their life.

Everyone who cares for children should learn how to perform First Aid, but not everyone can afford to.

Image: Skye Larson and Grace Larson

The Current Situation:

Children in rural and remote Australia from lower social demographic backgrounds are three times more likely to die from preventable illnesses and injuries.

(Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2022)

Children from low socio-demographic backgrounds are three times more likely to die from preventable illnesses and injuries.

(Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2022)

Children from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are four times more likely to die from preventable illnesses and injuries.

(Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2022)

Every year, over 68,000 children are hospitalised every year from accidents.

(Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2022)

infant first aid training in Victoria

The Problem

Accredited Infant and Child First Aid courses cost anywhere from $90 - $150, are largely only available in major cities or towns, and do not adapt to audience circumstances.

For some parents, this could mean going without groceries or rent for the next week.

For others, they simply do not have access to their finances or the freedom to choose how that money is spent.

“The waterfall effect means that for every one person trained, they can positively impact up to three additional people each per day. If each person only influenced one person per week, that’s over 50 a year. So if 500 people are trained, they can positively influence over 25,000 people per year.”

- Spaulding, T. (2019, January 22)

Our Mission


Our Mission |

To save children’s lives from preventable accidents and illnesses, including respiratory disease, by empowering under-resourced caregivers with the knowledge needed in an emergency.

Megan Harvey providing child and infant first aid training

How we will do this

The Sisterhood Project is partnering with accredited First Aid providers to offer free Infant and Child First Aid training to parents and carers that can’t otherwise afford it.

First Aid training has been shown time and again to have a significant impact on the outcomes of adults and children that suffer an accident, injury or cardiac arrest.

By providing free Infant and Child First Aid courses to vulnerable and low-income mothers we are empowering them to know what to do in an emergency. This knowledge can significantly improve infant and child survival rates and save lives.